Saturday, August 21, 2010

3 hour skype chats...

I'll get to a post/Vlog about my application and interview at some point, but I had to write all this stuff down before I forgot it. Last night, for 3 hours, I was in a skype call with Kristina, Brenda, Brittany, Natasha, Jordan, Tyler, and Alek. I really hope I didn't forget anyone, but these are the people that were there when I took the screenshot below (minus Jordan, but I remembered she was there). We literally talked about everything under the sun. We have a whole list of things we are going to do when we get to Florida in January, including (this is all I could remember, but I am sure there was more):
-getting princess balloons
-making a kool-aid drawer
-having a mickey cake contest (or a jalapeno syrup contest?)
-make spaghetti tacos
-Make Ramen Noodle recipes
-go to the Rainforest Cafe (of course)
-Watch Up and the Hangover (we like a variety of movies)
Also, just a couple other things I wanted to remember from the call... we are "Mancy Drew and the Hardy Boys" and we are great at solving mysteries. We played pictionary and some weird bubble game, and everyone is pretty good at it, Typing is the new black, and Tyler has a lot of nicknames (including Tiana, Gumbo, and Drake).
I just wanted to get this all down so that we would remember in the future how much fun we had last night!
To: Tiana, Alexis, Nate, Jordan, Brendan, and Chris (Brittany did you have a "hardy boys name"? ), I LOVE you guys! You made my night :)
Caleb/Gaston :)

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